Sunday, November 13, 2011

How Brake Cleaner Works

Author: Magnus
When you drive down the road, your car is subjected to plenty of grime and dust. Combine this with the dust from your brakes, collected old brake fluid, and plenty of friction, and you have recipe for gunk. This gunk sets up shop around your brakes, making it impossible for your brakes to do their job correctly. And we all know their job is very important. Fixing this problem is easy though, with a little brake cleaner.

Brake Cleaner- Cleaning Your Brakes

Unlike other lengthy do-it-yourself projects you may have done on your car, applying brake cleaner is a fast and easy process. You don\'t have to remove very many items to get to the brakes, and there is little to no preparation time required. As long as you know how to change a tire, you will be fine.

Once you have your cleaner, you can find all the other tools you will need to use in your garage or tool shed. Here are the steps required for applying the cleaner and the tools you will need to do the job.
  • Make sure the car is in ‘park\' if it is an automatic and in gear if it is a stick shift.
  • Apply the emergency brake.
  • Place a concrete block or a brick on the opposite tire. (For instance, if you are taking off the left front tire, place a block behind the right back tire.)
  • Use a tire iron to loosen each wheel lug on the tire. You do not want to take them completely off, just loosen them.
  • Place your jack under the car. Each car is different, so you will need to consult your owner\'s manual if you aren\'t sure where to place the jack under your car.
  • Raise the jack until is makes contact with the frame of the car. Continue raising it until the tire is completely off the ground.
  • Remove the wheel lugs completely and store them close by. Make sure they are in a secure location, where they can not roll under the car or get lost easily.
  • Remove the tire completely.

Qualitry Brake Cleaner- You should now be able to easily see the car\'s braking system. Check the brakes for dirt and fluid build up. If you see any, spray the brake cleaner on it to effectively remove anything clogging up your brakes. This excess has to go somewhere, so make sure to place a pan underneath the brakes to catch all that grime. Be sure to check with local regulations. The area where you live may have certain laws that require special containers be used to dispose of excess cleaner.

You may also want to wear gloves and goggles for this part to prevent any of the cleaner from coming into contact with your skin and to keep dirt out of your eyes. When you are done, you can replace the tire, tighten the wheel lugs, and let down the jack.

You can use the brake cleaner whenever your car is due for a tune up. This will help your brakes function better on the road. You can also use this cleaner when it is time to work on the brakes or replace them. If you clean them first, you will have an easier time seeing any problems that need addressed. Cheap Brake Cleaner
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